Майкл М. Мюллер

Michael M. Mueller

PhD, BCBA-D, IBA, Executive Director of International Behavior Analysis Organization (USA)

Michael Mueller is the co-founder of Southern Behavioral Group and Stimulus Publications. He is the founder of the International Behavior Analysis Organization (IBAO).

Dr. Mueller’s research includes parent and teacher training, functional analysis in school settings, pediatric feeding disorders, compliance training, discrete trial and errorless learning, increasing communication and functional skill repertoires in learners of all ages, and in reducing severe behavioral challenges in school settings.

Dr. Mueller has more than 22 published research papers and 8 book chapters. He is the author of 11 books including, The Assessment of Functional Living Skills, The BIG Book of ABA Programs, and Behavior Analytic Consultation to Schools. His research has been published in many prestigious school psychology and applied behavior analysis journals.