
Виолетта Шевченко

Violetta Shevchenko

Master of Kinesiology, Special yoga teacher and therapist, international trainer Brain Gym ®️101 (Russia)
Самир А. Чауккар

Samir A. Chaukkar

MD, Professor, Dean of Dr. Batra Homeopathic Academy, Mumbai (India)
Сахар Дауд

Sahar Daoud

Phd, CPDT, Leading expert in Child Mental Health, CPDLT, Positive Discipline Lead Trainer, licensed clinical social worker (Egypt)
Екатерина Трифонова

Ekaterina Trifonova

PhD, Researcher in Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS (Russia)
Анастасия Семянникова

Anastasiya Semyannikova

BCBA, IBA, MS, Founder of ABASCHOOL (Russia)
Александра Малыхина

Aleksandra Malykhina

IBA, Clinical psychologist (Russia)
Наталья Гудкова

Natalia Gudkova

MD, PhD, Pediatric neurologist, Department of Pediatric Neuropathology and Neurosurgery at SZGMU I.I. Mechnikov, Doctor of preventive Medicine at Institute of Preventage (Russia)
Наталья Щербакова

Nataliya Shcherbakova

SLP, BCBA, IBA, Director and clinical supervisor in the ABA Center “ABC” (Russia)
Олеся Змихновская

Olessia Zmikhnovskaya

MA, CBT, Clinical psychologist, behavior analyst, author of the “Mindfulness Program for Parents of Children with Autism” (Russia)
Ирина Кичук

Irina Kichuk

PhD, Associate Professor of Neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics department at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Head of functional diagnostics in Mental Health Center MeMento (Russia)
Надежда Семилетова

Nadia Semiletova

Founder and Managing Director, Mental Health Center MeMento (Russia)
Ирина Никитенкова

Irina Nikitenkova

Chief Medical Officer, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Center MeMento (Russia)
Валентина Минакова

Valentina Minakova

BSc, Behavioral analyst, leading specialist and curator of the Alvarium Center (Russia)
Наталия Устинова

Natalia Ustinova

MD, PhD Head of Department of Social Pediatrics of Pediatrics Research Institute in Petrovsky National Centre of Surgery, Chief Researcher of the Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents named after G.E.Sukhareva (Russia)
Вардан Арутюнян

Vardan Arutiunian

Ph.D, Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development Seattle Children’s Research Institute Seattle (USA)
Мария Сударикова

Maria Sudarikova

MA, BCBA, IBA, Chairman of RusABA (Association of Applied Behavior Analysis Specialists) (Russia)
Ксения Хвостова

Ksenia Khvostova

IBA, Clinical director and supervisor in non-profit organization Social Support Center “Inclusive Molecule” (Russia)
Игорь Ефимов

Igor Efimov

MD, neurologist, psychiatrist, functional diagnostics expert, “Doctrine” clinic CMO (Russia)
Екатерина Мень

Ekaterina Men

President of the Autism Challenge Center (Russia)
Екатерина Жесткова

Ekaterina Zhestkova

BCBA, IBA, Chairman of the RusABA Board, Director of the ABA-training Center “StepUp ABA” (Russia)
Манан Альхакбани

Manan Alhakbany

PhD, Associate professor of physiology at College of Medicine, King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)
Мона Алонази

Mona Alonazi

PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the College of Science, King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)
Сана Ражан Альсубаей

Sana Razhan Alsubaiei

PhD, Advanced Nutritionist at Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University (Saudi Arabia)
Ханан А. Альфаваз

Hanan A. Alfawaz

MSc, PhD, Professor of Nutrition &Metabolism; Food Science & Nutrition Department at King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)
Альхануф аль-Доссари

Alhanouf Al-Dossari

Nutritionist and research assistant, King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)
Альтаф Алабдали

Altaf Alabdali

PhD student (Clinical biochemistry), King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)
Норальдин Аль-Дери

Noraldin Al-Deri

PhD, Университет Конкордия в Монреале, основатель центров раннего вмешательства EICADD (Иордания/ ОАЭ)
Нипа Бхуптани

Nipa Bhuptani

MEd(Sp), BcaBA, Founder and director of Applied & Behavioral Training Institute (UAE)
Элизабет Перси

Elizabeth Percy

Co-Founder and Chief Trainer of Smart Inspiration UAE Training (UAE)
Эбтиссам Муршид

Ebtissam Murshid

BDS, MS, MPH, DrPH, Professor and Consultant of Pediatric Dentistry at King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)
Дена Рихан

Dena Rihan

MD, MSc, Gut and Psychology/ Physiology Syndrome (GAPS) certified practitioner, Child Mental Health and Special Needs Specialist (Egypt)
Аманда Тами

Amanda Tami

MA, LPC, LBA, BCBA, Psychotherapist and Behavioral consultant at Johnson Center for Child Health & Development (USA)
Антонина Шанграу

Antonina Shangraw

BCBA-D, PhD, LBA, IBA, Clinical Director of Positive Behavioral Services of the Four Corners (USA)
Убада Саббах

Ubadah Sabbagh

PhD, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, MIT Broad Institute and Harvard (UAE/USA)
Амина Атер

Amina Ather

MD, PhD, Project Director of Integrative Medicine RIDM, European Medical Association (Germany)
Нагва Мегид

Nagwa Meguid

MD, PhD, Professor of Human Genetics of the National Research Center, Head of the CONEM Egypt Child Brain Research Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (Egypt)
Элизабетта Вольпе

Elisabetta Volpe

PhD, Director of Molecular Neuroimmunology Laboratory of Santa Lucia Foundation (Italy)
Сьюзан Д. Рич

Susan D. Rich

MD, MPH, DFAPA, President of 7th Generation Foundation (USA)
Питер Ллойд-Томас

Peter Lloyd-Thomas

M.Eng, MBA, Independent researcher, author of the Epiphany ASD science blog, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation (UK/USA)
Рекс Шанграу

Rex Shangraw

BCBA, LBA, Behavioral consultant at Positive Behavioral Services of the Four Corners (USA)
Сара Х. Аль-Мазиди

Sarah Al-Mazidi

PhD, доцент кафедры физиологии медицинского колледжа Университета Имама Мохаммеда бин Сауда (Эр-Рияд, Саудовская Аравия)
Пьер Драпо

Pierre Drapeau

PhD, профессор и заведующий кафедрой патологии и клеточной биологии медицинского факультета Университета Монреаля (Канада)
Бахидж Хузами

Bahij Khouzami

M.Ed., BCBA, IBA, Founder of Autism Intervention Specialists-Dubai, Professional Advisory Board Member or the IBAO (UAE)
Стивен Эдельсон

Stephen Edelson

MA, PhD, Executive Director of the Autism Research Institute (USA)
Стив Уорд

Steve Ward

MA, BCBA, Co-owner of Whole Child Consulting, LLC (USA)
Нэйла Раббани

Naila Rabbani

PhD, профессор фундаментальных медицинских наук медицинского колледжа QU HEALTH Катарского Университета (Катар)
Мохаммед Ибрагим Аль Али

Mohammed Ibrahim Al Ali

PhD, сертифицированный ведущий тренер в области генетически обусловленного поведения, психологии питания и коммуникативных стратегий (ОАЭ)
Тереза А. Граймс

Teresa Grimes

BCBA, Co-Owner of Whole Child Consulting, LLC (USA)
Абдулла Алавадхи

Abdulla Alawadhi

Pediatric neurologist, Al Jalila Children's Specialty Hospital (UAE)
Андрей Вышедский

Andrey Vyshedskiy

PhD, Adjunct Professor of Boston University, founder and CEO of ImagiRation LLC developing educational products for children with ASD (USA)
Фань Ю Линь

Fan Yu Lin

PhD, BCBA-D, IBAO (Китай)
Лейла И. Алаядхи

Laila Y Alayadhi

PhD, Professor and Consultant of Clinical Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, King Saud University, King Khaled University Hospital and King Abdul Aziz University Hospital, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Кармело Риццо

Carmelo Rizzo

MD, PhD, Professor, University Niccolò Cusano in Rome, Scientific director of International Academy of Clinical Nutrition (A.I.Nu.C.), (Italy)
Ребекка Райан

Rebecca Ryan

M.Ed, BCBA, LBS, Executive Director of Sandbox ABA (USA)
Келли МакКракен Барнхилл

Kelly McCracken Barnhill

MBA, CN, CCN, клинический диетолог, директор по питанию Института Исследования Аутизма (США)
Трейси Д. Гиу

Tracy D. Guiou

PhD, BCBA-D, President of Catalpa Health, mental health and wellness service provider for children and adolescents in the Fox Valley (USA)
Джилл М. Янг

Jill M. Young

PhD, BCBA-D, President-Elect of California Association of Behavior Analysis, Behavioral Health Services Manager at Elevance Health (USA)
Джеймс Б. Адамс

James B. Adams

PhD, Professor, Director of the Autism/Asperger's Research Program at Arizona State University, President of the Autism Society of Greater Phoenix (USA)
Афаф Эль-Ансари

Afaf El-Ansary

PhD, Professor, Member in Autism Research and Treatment Center, KSA, Scientific Consultant of Autism Center, Lotus Holistic Medical Center in Abu Dhabi (Egypt/ Saudi Arabia/ UAE)
Майкл М. Мюллер

Michael M. Mueller

PhD, BCBA-D, IBA, Executive Director of International Behavior Analysis Organization (USA)
Андреас М. Грабрукер

Andreas M. Grabrucker

PhD, Assoc. Professor at the Bernal Institute of University of Limerick, Lead of the Bio Materials Research Cluster of the Bernal Institute, Limerick (Ireland)
Антонио М. Персико

Antonio M. Persico

Professor, Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neurosciences University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Бхисмадев Чакрабарти

Bhismadev Chakrabarti

PhD, Professor, Centre for Autism at the University of Reading (India/UK)
Меган ДеЛеон (Миллер)

Megan DeLeon (Miller)

PhD., BCBA-D, LBA, клинический директор сервиса для специалистов поведенческого анализа Do Better Collective (США)
Ундурти Дас

Dr. Undurti N. Das,

MD, FAMS, FRSC, FICP, CEO of UND Life Sciences (India/USA)
Абдулла М. Мадани

Abdullah M. Madany

PhD, Professor of Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the M.I.N.D. Institute, University of California Davis (USA)
Махмуд Аль-Шейяб

Mahmoud Al-Sheyab

PhD, BCBA, CAS, IBA, General Manager of ABA-Resources, President of JOR-ABA Multi-Centers (Jordan)
Раяз Малик

Rayaz Malik

BSc. Hons, MSc., MB ChB, PhD, FRCP (Qatar/UK)
Абдулрахман Мохаммед Алховикан

Abdulrahman Mohammed Alhowikan

Sc, MSc, PhD, GTA, AHEA (Saudi Arabia)