Нипа Бхуптани

Nipa Bhuptani

MEd(Sp), BcaBA, Founder and director of Applied & Behavioral Training Institute (UAE)

Nipa Bhuptani, an Autism advocate and a practitioner in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) engages in education, empowerment & awareness. She is the founder of Autism Support Network, Abu Dhabi and Applied & Behavior Training Institute. Nipa Bhuptani, an Autism advocate and a practitioner in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) engages in education, empowerment & awareness. She is the founder of Autism Support Network, Abu Dhabi and Applied & Behavior Training Institute.

Nipa is an often expert and a speaker at national and international autism-related events. In 2016 she was invited to the United Nations for World Autism Awareness Day, as a panel speaker to share her experience as an Autism Consultant in the Middle East region.

Nipa obtained Masters in Education (Special & Inclusive) at British University in Dubai. She has Post Graduate Certificates in Applied Behavior Analysis from University of North Texas (USA). She is Certified Supervising Coach and Certified Coordinator & Leader for the Competent Learner Model (CLM). As a Regional Associate for Competent Learner Model (CLM) in Middle East and India, Ms. Nipa provides oversight for CLM Early Intervention Program teams in UAE.