Питер Ллойд-Томас

Peter Lloyd-Thomas

M.Eng, MBA, Independent researcher, author of the Epiphany ASD science blog, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation (UK/USA)

Peter has a Master’s degree in Engineering from Imperial College, London and an MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation.

Peter comes from a family of doctors, who were all taught that autism is untreatable. Peter discovered after trialing Bumetanide in 2012 that his son’s autism does respond to drug therapy. He then developed a personalized polytherapy, the autism Polypill, to treat his son’s specific phenotype using existing drugs.

He shares the published research and his own insights via his blog Epiphany ASD, with parents, doctors and some researchers. In 2023 he published a summary of his experiences treating autism in the book “Game Changer – improving the outcome in severe autism using personalized medicine.”