Тереза А. Граймс

Teresa Grimes

BCBA, Co-Owner of Whole Child Consulting, LLC (USA)

Teresa A. Grimes holds BCBA certificate since 2002. She is also a member of Association for Behavior Analysis International and Florida Association for Behavior Analysis. Teresa obtained her masters degree with a major in Exceptional Student Education in the Education of Students with Varying Exceptionalities at Florida Atlantic University.

Since 2003 being a co-founder of Whole Child Consulting, LLC Teresa has been providing behaviorally sound interventions and programming for individuals with learning and behavior disorders. She participates in consultations with schools, families and companies, performs functional analyses and develops behavior programs for severe problem behavior, provides training to staff/therapists, develops data systems to monitor and affect behavior change in staff and therapists, conducts workshops and trainings to instruct and train behavior analysts, families and therapists regarding interventions, including but not limited to: verbal behavior, precision teaching, direct instruction, association method, net and play and social therapy.